Get Involved:
Here are a few things you can do to get involved in wildlife conservation.
Donate money to help wildlife conservation organizations.
Become a member and make a statement that you support wildlife conservation.
Place an STCE logo on your website to help spread the word about wildlife conservation.
Sign up for Snail Tail Mail to learn the latest news.
Send an WCE (Wildlife Conservation Email) to a friend to raise awareness.
Plant a garden to increase biodiversity in your own yard.
Don't buy products that come from endangered animals. This is largely reason why they are endangered.
Build a bird house to provide shelter to local bird species.
Recycle cans and bottles.
Cut down on energy use by turning off lights when you are not in the room, turning down heat at night, taking public transportation or a bike when possible and using energy efficient products.
Reduce water consumption to help save the world's wetlands.