Interesting Wildlife Facts:
Bulls are color blind.
Rats can last longer than camels without water.
Baby spiders eat their mother when they run out of food.
A blue whale's heart is the size of a car.
A Snail's reproduction organs are in it's head.
50 million monkeys call India home.
A flamingo can bend it's knees both ways.
Elephants are pregnant for 2 years.
A cow's only sweat glands are in it's nose.
Dolphin's sleep with their eye's open.
Fish have the same density as water.
50 million sharks are killed every year.
Mosquitos have 47 teeth.
A blue whale's blood vessel's are so large, a man can swim down some of them.
Polar bear's have black skin despite their white fur.
Many venomous snake's can kill the second they are born.
Cows can only walk up stairs.
Many more interesting facts coming soon!